Photo Jun 02 3 21 53 PM

As much as cars have been a connivence in our lives, it is also a bad situation waiting to happen. One slip of the wheel or even one quick glance away from the road can result in damages and deaths. One of the biggest issues with driving is that most people don’t even know they are bad drivers. State Farm is trying to remedy this problem by releasing the StateFarm Driver Feedback iPhone app. This app uses the gyroscope and the GPS to judge how well you drive in three specific categories: acceleration, braking, and cornering. To use the application, you just have to set the iPhone on a flat surface in the car and press the start button inside the application. When you are at your destination, you press end and watch as your driving performance is judged. I have been using this app for about a week now, and I have realized that my cornering skills aren’t very good. The app has a really unique feature in which it will show you at what specific location you preformed badly (such as at a turn light). While this may seem to be an app that would cause more headaches than benefits, I have come to like this app very much. As a result of this app running on my phone, I have become more cautious as I am driving in order to achieve a better score. StateFarm hopes that more people will use this app to help improve the overall driving experience. And don’t worry, this application doesn’t send any data back to Statefarm, so you can drive as high or as low score as you want.

Source: StateFarm

Photo Jun 02 3 22 02 PMPhoto Jun 02 3 22 10 PM